понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


Music for dance theatre productions, oratorios, radio plays, symphonies. Streams Videos All Posts. Staunen im Fjord Hans-Joachim Roedelius. AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. The boxset offers us a deep insight into the creative process of his music. Drinking Hanging Out In Love. roedelius selbstportrait

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He trained as a male nurse, then as a hospice orderly. It's full of simple melodic motifs repeated with subtle variations, for an atmospheric, hypnotic effect, and if that's not ambient, what is? This is ruminative music, the sound of a man taking the time to set himself off a bit from the hustle and bustle of life and take a long, close look at both selbstpoortrait and his surroundings.

Jazz Latin New Age. Finger exercises, experiments in rodeelius, studies in rhythm are also preserved on these magnetic tapes. Some musical works bear his name, plus a similar number of texts poetry, prose etc.

Selbstportrait - Wikipedia

The boxset offers us a deep insight into the creative process of his music. The pieces themselves don't quite qualify as miniatures -- they're generally between three and five minutes long -- but they're still small-scale in their sound, structure, and intent. His third solo album, and first for the Sky label, 's aptly titled Selbstportrait "Self Portrait" is an even more intimate, meditative outing than its predecessors, which sound relatively more polished in comparison.

While there's more motion in some of these tracks than there is in, say, the contemporaneous output of Roedelius ' sometime-collaborator Brian Enoone could still call much of Selbstportrait ambient music. Introspection Late Night Partying.

Roedelius - Selbstportrait

With "Roedelius Tape Archive " for the first time ever this Roedelius audio sketchbook has been digitalised and available to the public. In addition to his modest recording methods, Roedelius employed the most basic of musical tools to put these tracks together.

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Romantic Evening Sex All Themes. Staunen im Fjord Hans-Joachim Roedelius.

English Download press kit here. Fleeting notes, slivers of ideas, so to speak, moments of inspiration. Official Hans-Joachim Roedelius 80th anniversary release!

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Streams Videos All Posts. The record is something of a sonic diary, essentially consisting of ideas Roedelius laid down in an ad hoc, lo-fi fashion between and while spending time in Germany's Weser Uplands region. Again he took flight, only to end up in prison. Download the info sheet PDF: Drinking Hanging Out In Love. Selbstportrat Trippy All Moods.

He played on around roeddelius productions either as a soloist or with band projects. Having relocated from East to West Berlin, he went on to meander through Europe as a thatcher, detective, masseur, bartender, cleaning toiletsbefore finally becoming a freelance artist, with avant-garde music his prime focus.

Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip.


AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. English Download press kit here Short bio: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use the site fully. Stream or buy on: For convincing evidence, one need look no further than his album "Plastic Wood", a purely electronic opus which was an unambiguous homage to his musical idols.

Many of them are based around the tones of the Farfisa organ, with occasional interjections from other keyboards and a cheap-sounding rhythm machine. Music for dance theatre productions, oratorios, radio plays, symphonies.

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