среда, 8 января 2020 г.


Notify me of new comments via email. Is the AI Compatible with promods and is there a specific order it should be in mod manager? Is there a place where we can download a pack of different skinned double decker trailers? How did you get the painted grills with the windkits? Its a real truck and also my sisters name. Hi was wondering does this change the skin of the AI Trucks when the have a stobart trailer? euro truck simulator 2 mods eddie stobart

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Hi can i ask what font you use to name the stobart trucks? I have restarted a new profile with some of the other company mods you have provided turned off. The workshop includes both the 1. This is a modding, modding tango.

eddie stobart skins | ETS 2 mods

Not a refrigerated front. Should be fixed now. Notify me of new comments via email.

I only keep mods for the latest game version. You are commenting using your WordPress. The real trailer has a ladder front.


Its a real truck and also my sisters name. I am also only seeing some AI traffic spawn and not all.

euro truck simulator 2 mods eddie stobart

kods You are commenting using your Facebook account. OMG I have been looking for something like this for months, thank you so much. I too seem to have problems as the chap above with the AI trucks and the trailers. Send it to the email address on the welcome post on the main page. The more ai you have the less likely something specific will load.

Hi ijs, any chance you can make a Stobart Ireland skin? Hi, Is it possible to have just the container trailer as the rest will clash with my VTC mods?


Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Hi, just wondering would it be possible to make a Sarannah Kate named Scania in the Eddie Stobart livery. You are commenting using your Google account. Looks like I accidentally disable Dropbox syncing on the pc.

S its looks great. Try renaming the mod so the name starts with zzz this should make it load last.

euro truck simulator 2 mods eddie stobart

I found the download link at the top of the page. Dance demons, don't you know. The Trailers Brick Trailer. As the page says, it replaces Stokes. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Email required Address never made public. I cant find the stobart trailer skin for flemming tandem mod. It was removed a long stobzrt ago because there were so few downloads. If you have the Steam version of the game you can always get it from the Workshop.

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