воскресенье, 5 января 2020 г.


Thanks, I'll update it ASAP, bout the terrain,, mmmhh yeah it boring, ill add some decore and the entrance, I suffer that too got blocked, they sucking block the way lol, Ill change it then add more items. The AI does not look intelligent to me. Log in or Sign up. I like the fonts BTW! Same goes for the other items. Shadowraze Wars Fight with Shadowfiend's Razes! dota shadowraze wars ai

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The gameplay consists in controlling the famous DotA character Shadow Fiend [Nevermore] to fight other Shadow Fiends with the same four skills of the original DotA hero.

dota shadowraze wars ai

The contest is optionally paired. Also try to add more variety of useful items to the shops and maybe some upgrades or some sort.

DotA Utilities

First of all, the creeps and the AI. To increase the enjoyment of hunting them down. Additionally, the lack of consumable items like potions, scrolls and such was really dreadful. The gameplay was interesting and enjoyable.

Shadowraze Revived va AI - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic

The Loading Screen however is just the default and should be changed to something better that should also display info about the map, game modes, etc.

I like the fonts BTW!

Razing the whole game isn't something particularly enjoyable for a long period. I have a word about them though. Contestants are to create a scene set in the Stone Shqdowraze. We wish you the best of luck! Each gameplay is always the same, though the items may offer different suadowraze each time the map is played, but the variety of each game is still not enough.

Learning the ability offers you three different ranges, so the player has to guess what distance is between an enemy and him to cast the right range. The AI does not look intelligent to me.

If possible I will release v1. JC HelasNov 8, The most interesting thing vota, you can't attack using your hits even your opponent is on tip low hitpoints. Anonymous, There is already a potm war map. The terrain was okay for me, the trees and cliffs were strategically placed and open a lot of possibilities to blink Raze and escape.

Raze v AI (Shadowraze) - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic

In one of the games I played, I used cheats and scored over kills but still it didn't end Go cast your vote for your favourite genie! Oct 19, Messages: Maybe make them "wander" a bit throughout the map eh? Hey moderators im back, its been three years, anyway let me introduce my self, I am usd99 and I stop programming in warcraft for somehow reason, and now I feel good to back in here, am I welcome?

Apr 12, Messages: I just advance to their destination and I kill them everytime. The creep groups seem random in race, you could think about adding uniform groups, like only trolls instead of a mix of trolls, ogres and murlocs. Runes include Healing, Haste, Map Reveal etc. Join in on a fun ride. GrowTrees, hey, thanks for info. Eventually, the map requires several improvements and much more work to reach an approvable state.

In my first game, I didn't go for neutral creeps, I just go and kill every SF I found and level gapped all of them I'm level 10 and they are 3 to 4 but still I'm the only one without dagger.

dota shadowraze wars ai

Have a nice day and happy mapping. This bundle is marked as substandard.

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